Is your first 5 minutes killing your listens?

Issue 27 of The Daily Drip is brought to you by PodPros. PodPros creates software solutions specifically for podcasters and their guests. Bringing you solutions like PodMatch (Matching guests and hosts), PodcastSOP (Project management for podcasters), and PodLottery (Get reviews for your podcast). Learn more about PodPros here.

Hi there!

Happy Monday! Your three free tips for the day are here!

TIP 1 - You have 5 minutes to hook 1/3 of listeners

In your opening, let the listener know what’s in store right away. Give them a sense of what they will get out of listening. Leave them no doubt that this is the podcast and episode for them.

TIP 2 - Send your podcast guest a personal Thank You video

Rather than a stock standard pre-written email, take 30-60 seconds after your interview to record a personalized video message that refers to a unique moment you shared. This will create greater reciprocity.

TIP 3 - Focus on audience retention, not just new listeners

If you’re not retaining listeners, you’re essentially broadcasting to a new audience each week. You’re not building a community, you’re not forging a true connection with the people tuning in to a single episode and you’re not building any trust with your audience.

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