How this podcaster got $37,000 from 28 listeners

Issue 1 of The Daily Drip is brought to you by mowPod, the largest driver of engaged listeners to many of the most prominent podcasts in the US. Learn more about mowPod here.

Hi there!

Welcome to the first EVER issue of The Daily Drip. It’s going to be a wild ride. (And by wild, we mean wildly informative in a non-overwhelming way 😎)

Here are your 3 distilled podcast growth tips for today. These are designed to be thought-starters so iImplement as little or as much as you'd like (we're not watching 👀)

TIP 1 - The 4Ps to monetizing your small (tiny even!) audience

Find and invite guests on your show who are either: 1) Prospects 2) Partners 3) Promoters of your product / service or 4) Purveyors of knowledge.

It’s how Michael Whitehouse generated $37,000 from only 28 listeners.

TIP 2 - Redefining Podcast Success: What Actually Matters?

Fixating on episode downloads? This is your reminder you need to define your specific internal and external goals first. This will help you create an achievable and authentic game plan for success.

TIP 3 - Show notes a snooze fest? Time for a makeover.

You already know what we’re gonna say. You’re missing out on being found. Being audio-first doesn’t mean that’s the only way (or even the most common way) your listeners find you. Well-organized show notes help you be found by new audiences who are googling the info you share on your podcast.

Today’s Drip Sponsor.


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